Build user-centred services with the Scottish Enterprise Design System
The Scottish Enterprise Design System is the foundation of every digital solution we build. Our guidelines, principles and standardised components can be applied across all our sites and services, to create a smooth, consistent user experience every time.
Using the design system
Our design system is about more than just pre-built components. We've got detailed guidelines on all our individual elements and components, as well as guidance on text styles, modifiers, colours and more. We've also included our content guidelines, content style guide and accessibility guidelines because we know good services are about more than visual components.
Design system guidelines
Flexible, consistent and continuously evolving around our users. Explore individual elements, complex components, styles, foundations, patterns and more.
Accessibility guidelines
We’ve created guidelines for building accessible services and sites, plus extra guidance around language, documents and presentations.
Content guidelines
There’s no design without content. Our guidelines and style guide explain how to create consistent, user-focused and accessible content.
Coming soon!